Ten Truths To Empower You Right Now

Ten Truths To Empower You Right Now

Photo credit: Waldoon, Adobe Stock

Living your best life is all about making the most with what you have right now. Clearing the cobwebs from old, limiting thinking can be a great way for you to shine. Here are ten truths to challenge limiting beliefs and empower you so you can make the most of your life now:

1.Nobody knows why anybody does anything – and it doesn’t matter.

You don’t have to figure out why your neighbor ignores you or what happened to someone as a child to make her so mean. We humans are products of both our nature and our nurture – most of the time, we do things simply because we can. Trying to figure out why keeps us stuck in the past, so stop the over-analysis. Let it go, be here now and don’t take things personally!

2. Nobody owes you a thing.

Life is a precious gift, not an entitlement. You could never repay the time, love and support it took to get where you are today: loved ones, teachers and peers believed in you, challenged you and pushed you to become who you are. So, the real question is not what you can get from life, but what you are giving back in return.

3. You’ll be balanced when you’re dead…

Not a moment sooner! We chase balance like the Holy Grail, but it is the very cyclical nature of change that adds momentum to life. If you’re passionate about something, you may well want more of it in your life, so go for it. Your kids won’t turn into losers if you miss a few softball practices, so ease up on yourself. Learn to surf the waves of change with inner equilibrium instead.

4. Multi-tasking is an oxymoron.

Don’t be intimidated by people who do five things at once. Studies show that we don’t actually do more than one thing at a time – we simply switch our attention rapidly between projects, and we compromise on the quality of our output. Would you feel comfortable with a surgeon who juggles performing your surgery while texting and making phone calls? Choose to be masterfully present with one thing at a time instead of trying to be a jack of all trades, and you will ultimately be more effective.

5. You don’t deserve anything you have.

If in doubt, go back to #2. Entitlement is really unattractive. No matter how hard you’ve worked or planned, it is delusional to think that you are in complete control of the outcomes. God, circumstance, the actions of others, and timing all play big parts in your success, so skip the entitlement and practice gratitude for what life brings.

6. You’re ordinary. 

Relax, it’s a compliment! Ordinary people are reliable, industrious and consistent. Superstars often lose their inner freedom to the demands of fame, especially when their egos take over. Who would you rather call at 2 AM when your car breaks down – Tony Robbins or your brother-in-law?

7. You’re not a victim; you’re a volunteer.

The old saying that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission is true. We teach people how to treat us. If you don’t want something to happen anymore, don’t set it up in the first place. You change your life by changing yourself first.

8. You’re right. Life isn’t fair.

Life is more random that we could have ever imagined! It is also interesting and instructive when you keep an open mind, for it is from the seemingly random dynamics of change, that miracles emerge and possibilities show up.

9. There is no perfect time.

There is no place where time stands still and standards are lowered to keep you in your comfort zone. At any point in time there are only three things present: you, and life, and this very moment. What you make of this present moment, is up to you. What are you doing with your life right now?

10. Gratitude is next to Godliness.

Cleanliness is way down the list!  I have yet to encounter someone at the end of life regretting the dust on their furniture or the stains on their windows… but many regret the opportunities for gratitude they passed up. Eckhart Tolle puts it this way: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Look for things you can be grateful for and you will be amazed at how many more blessings show up.

About The Author:

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit https://adaporat.com. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.

The Doorway To Freedom is Always Open – You Can Choose Now!

The Doorway To Freedom is Always Open – You Can Choose Now!

Photo Credit:  Maria Cappelli, Unsplash

At any time, you are free to leave this experience called suffering. You already have a Get Out Of Jail pass.

The key that unlocks the door to freedom is found by learning how to surrender to Source. And true surrender means you let go: you release all your limiting beliefs, judgments and ideas about who you think you are. And then, you release your attachment to those limitations so you can move beyond them.

Surrender is often misinterpreted as weakness, capitulation or quitting – but it comes from inner strength, knowing you are more than the limitations you face. You can move through any stuck, painful or limiting feeling by dropping into a state of pure surrender.

At any given moment in time, you are either choosing the path of ego or the path of surrender.  When you choose surrender, you open the doorway to a deep connective experience within your being. You are finding alignment to Source. This is the way of flow, a profound state of being that is always available, yet requires the release of resistance and attachment.

When you surrender, you’re set free to enter a profound state of inner peace where you can fully experience the essence of Divinity at your core. You’re able to align with and act from this Source of wisdom within.

Yes!  Surrender allows you to relax about everything. It allows you to remember that everything you seek, is somehow already, always deep within you. Truth is within, peace is within, and so are the solutions you seek.

Maintaining this state of true alignment takes vigilance. Whenever you notice the mind latching on to some thought, just let it go. Thinking is simply what the mind does, and it has no power over your inner peace unless you allow yourself to engage with it. Instead, visualize your consciousness as the expansive sky, and let the temporary clouds of thought and worry simply move through your field, dissipating as they go. You are not your thoughts; you are that which is aware of them. As you learn to make this important distinction, it becomes easier to flow with the Source of all possibilities instead of getting stuck in ego thoughts.

Surrendering attachment to the relentless mental chatter offers incredible inner freedom. Imagine not having to worry endlessly about what might happen, what could unfold, or how things could go wrong. Think how free you would be if you did not feel the need to control everything in your life! Imagine even letting go of the endless craving thoughts of “If only…” or “If I could just…” These mindless thought loops serve no purpose other than serving the ego.

Instead of feeding the ego’s need for self-importance, you can choose to simply surrender everything to Source. Let the Creator energy handle the details for you. Accept that this very moment of life, no matter how good or how bad, is exactly as it is meant to be.

When you drop your attachments, resistance and beliefs about how things “should” be, and simply accept what is, you find inner peace. Instead of spending your energy in futile mental chatter to fight what shows up in your life, you can ask more helpful questions: “How could this be helpful to my journey as a soul,” or “What do I need to learn from this?”

That will turbocharge your journey of personal growth! And it is a simple process everyone can master.

Have you been conditioned to think it takes years of struggle, emotional pain and personal suffering to break free? That, too, is a limiting belief. It will be as difficult and take as long as you believe it to! What if your life is meant to be much easier and simpler than you’ve made it out to be? You can change any negative or limiting attitude around completely in a few minutes by deeply surrendering.

As the Sedona Method teaches: Embrace that which you resist, and surrender that to which you cling. It really is that simple, and yet it requires a heart-based desire for freedom, not simply wishful thinking. Surrender to Source that to which you cling: all limitation, victim consciousness, resentment, judgment, ego justification, and doubt; then simply ask for Higher truth to be revealed so you can align with that.

When your heart’s desire is to be aligned with Source, you will be guided from within by the highest intelligence, love and power. The more you become aware of and align to this benevolent Source, the more it will reveal to you the divine Presence inherent in all of life and guide you to greater inner freedom. What joy! What peace! Regardless of outer circumstances!

Every time you surrender to Source a little more, you create space for more Presence in your life. That Presence is joyful, peaceful, abundant and harmonious. You can breathe it in and relax. As twelve-step groups put it: “Let go and let God.” You can relax into the assurance that whatever it is you are seeking, is already, always within you. The Presence of Source is always here, and letting go of old conditioning allows you to experience that loving Presence more fully.

Fighting and warring are limiting concepts of duality consciousness. You never have to fight your way through life. The opportunity is always here for you to surrender to Source and flow with unfolding potentialities around you. You can give up the inner battle of resistance and surrender your problems or hardened positions to Source.  Remember, these situations are really opportunities in disguise, inviting you to let your ego dissolve into the Presence of Source.

There’s no rule that says you must continue suffering, holding onto the same old issues another day. Right now, there’s a new awareness arising inside you. It is the awareness of a higher Presence, and it becomes even more powerful when you surrender to its loving embrace!

You can explore a different kind of life beyond the endless conditions of “have to,” “need to,” and “should” that you’ve been drowning in. Truth is, you are an infinite ocean of consciousness, an immortal soul who knows no boundary or limitation. Surrender to that higher understanding so you can enjoy the journey home to Oneness.

How will you know when you’re truly free from the tyranny of your ego-controlled mind? Everything you take on will feel as light as a feather.  Every challenging situation or person will offer you an exciting opportunity to become a more loving, compassionate and enlightened being. You will no longer nurse your grudges or seek ego justification from outside sources. Each time you are challenged, you’ll further open the doorway of your heart to love, inner peace, abundance and freedom.

The moment you surrender to the benevolent Source of all life, you’ll experience a lighter state of consciousness. The invitation is open right now, in this and each present moment. You can be liberated from the painful dramas of the mind to experience joy and healing. You can choose freedom!

Your life is a sacred gift, offering you the opportunity to awaken, grow and transform into an ever-truer reflection of Source. The potential already exists within you: choose freedom through surrender and you will find the answers to all life’s gnarly problems. The power is within you, so you can choose inner freedom now!

©Copyright Ada Porat. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached. For more information, visit https://AdaPorat.com

You Can Be Invincible Now: Tools For Turbulent Times


Photo credit: Max LaRochelle, Unsplash

These are tumultuous times, and the winds of change sweeping across the planet continue to bring more volatility. Everything—yes, every area of life— is being ramped up so at times it can be difficult to manage it all: the energies, the events, the people. And yet, there is also a fecundity to it, offering multiple opportunities and support for creativity and personal transformation. It all depends on where we focus our attention as individuals.

The outer turbulence has also dredged up and exposed our collective shadow for all the world to see: all the deeply held fears, prejudices, judgments, resentments, and limiting beliefs that have led to corruption and abuse, sabotage and subjugation of humanity for millennia. These shadow aspects, when faced and healed, bring renewal. When denied and resisted, they perpetuate suffering. We can and must choose our response as part of a massive, multi-decade transformation of humanity.

Both as individuals and as a collective, it is time to ask ourselves, “How’s that working out for you? Are you living up to your highest potential?” We have big choices to make about who we are and want to be.

For those who do not yet understand the bigger picture, the tumult can result in existential terror as they fear the loss of old forms of security. When the shadow is exposed, former heroes are seen as having clay feet. We’re learning that our leaders and heroes can’t or won’t fix things, so bringing about meaningful change is up to each one of us.

This does not need to be a time of despair. Despite the external challenges we face, there are plenty of actions you can take to stay focused, balanced and at peace on your path.

Unplug and Let Go

Immersing oneself in media coverage as all the drama and distraction play out, is not helpful – it simply perpetuates the emotional roller coaster. Instead, we can exercise our autonomy by detaching and letting go of the collective brainwashing.

It is helpful to remember that all media outlets have their own agenda and bias. They know that sensationalism, catastrophizing and fearmongering pull in viewers and boost ratings. Their use of subliminal seduction creates media addicts who become hooked on the adrenaline rush. Anything that creates fear, pessimism, or despair is best turned off!

Replace these dense energies with better support so you can keep your mind at peace and stay centered in your heart. Creativity, connection with others, dancing, singing, laughing and finding joy in simple things serve us much better.  Continually choose love and inner harmony over fear; lean into compassion and kindness rather than judgment.

Cultivate Self-Awareness and Inner Peace

When the outer world is in chaos, the most important place to go is within. Find the calm center in the storm and return there often. Invest less emotional energy in external events outside your control and pay more attention to things you can help change for the better. Where can you offer forgiveness or support to others? Take actions that have an impact. Helping others feeds the soul and lifts our vibration.

We heal our world one person at a time, starting with ourselves. It requires emotional detachment and self-awareness to release our expectations and the illusion of control. As we do this work, we are letting go of what no longer serves so we can consciously work with the Universe and each other. Now is the time to release our inner resistance so we can embrace the gifts that change offers us.

Master Discernment

Discernment is an essential skill that each of us needs to master so we can align with truth and understand the deeper meaning of life.

When we lack discernment, we are vulnerable to false promises from fake messiahs. We may get lured into false promises of security, fanaticism or forms of self-destructive behavior.

Cultivating discernment enables us to recognize truth and to access optimal guidance. During this transitional time, artificial intelligence and sophisticated deep fakes make it more difficult to discern what is real. Likewise, dense emotions of fear, anger and anxiety can function as a type of psychic interference that makes it more difficult to access our inner truth.

It is also important to discern the true nature of people we interact with by paying attention to their actions, rather than their rhetoric. Give it the heart check: Is the person spreading kindness and unity or polarizing others by spreading anger and fear? Always choose love as your baseline and watch what others choose. This way, you will know how to respond without giving your power away.

Regardless of outer circumstance, there is profound support for every effort we make to go within and find answers and truth. We can use this support to do our own work of transformation so we can be empowered to support larger waves of transformation around the planet.

Live in Integrity

The energetic environment around us at this time asks us to return to integrity: living in a way that is whole and integrated, cohesive, and internally and externally consistent. It calls for us to purify our thoughts and actions, and to bring our lives into alignment with truth so that we can become resilient. Anything that is out of integrity—people, relationships, groups or organizations—will continue to break down to make space for higher levels of being to emerge.

Internal consistency is crucial during this process. It is very helpful to check and establish consistency within yourself: between your thoughts and emotions; your inner principles and your outer actions. If we claim to be spiritual and loving while hating those who don’t believe as we do, we are not in integrity. We cannot claim peace while bullying, criticizing or raging against others. These discrepancies in our values are not sustainable if we wish to evolve. The great growing-up of humanity at this time requires us to become more self-responsible, authentic and integrated in all aspects of our lives.

Life is What You Make It – Make it Full of Love

Remember that the past, the present and the future — all of life — is not about what happens to you, but what you make of it. Everything we need, and all the solutions we seek already lie within us.

You can make your life flow easier by always focusing on what you choose to happen, rather than what you fear might happen or don’t want. Your attention is a powerful laser of Creator energy, so be careful where you point it! Whatever you focus attention on, will grow.

Always remember that worry and guilt are useless energy drains. They don’t help create anything beneficial, because they add fuel to what you don’t want.

During this time, it is helpful to remember the admonition of the Hopi elders who told us to let go of expectations and the illusion of control. Surrender the old forms of security to which you still cling and embrace the unknown journey you’ve been resisting. Simply accept what is, and know that all is well in the Master plan. We’re all on this journey together, and it could turn out to be the most magnificent one ever!

©Copyright Ada Porat. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached. For more information, visit https://AdaPorat.com

Daring to Reclaim Your Personal Freedom: The Requisite for Optimal Living


Photo Credit: Karsten Winegeart, Unsplash

Personal freedom is essential for optimal living. And yet, as we look around us in the world these days, freedom is a lonely goddess.

The more we speak of the need and desire for freedom, the more it seems to dissipate all round. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom over our health and bodies… more and more, these freedoms are curtailed by a small minority “for your own good.”


When did we mysteriously lose the ability to research, learn, discern and choose according to the innate Wisdom that guides each one of us?  How could the agenda of a few possibly serve the needs of a multitude of individual human beings?

I believe it’s time to take back our Divinely given right to choose.

It’s time to restore our freedom. By reclaiming our freedom as individuals, we can help restore sanity to our world. We shall find freedom in our world to the extent that we restore freedom inside ourselves and in our lives.

Where in your life do you need freedom? Is it freedom from debt that you crave?  Or freedom from a job that keeps you just above being broke? Or freedom from dysfunctional relationships that poison your emotional well-being?

Freedom is a beautiful thing, and it is available to each one of us. However, the path to freedom runs counter to our survival impulses. We do not find freedom by capitulating or by escaping reality – we find it by facing the ways in which each of us has given our precious personal power away.

To the extent that you’re willing to face the external promise of external power, security, and support enough to abandon your personal power, choice and autonomy, you’ll reclaim your Divinely endowed freedom as a soul. The more you’re willing to intentionally face the ways in which you settled for empty promises of externally granted freedom, the more you’re able to reclaim your personal power, choice and freedom.

True freedom starts with each one of us as individuals. What is weighing down your consciousness and disempowering you? Go there and do what you need to clean it out. Start taking back your freedom!

You are the one who gave away your power to choose, and so you are the one who can set yourself free.

Imagine what your life could look like if you took your power back!  Who would you become? What would you create as your living legacy?  How would you feel about the future if you could intentionally create space for something new to show up?

The journey to personal freedom is a heroic one that each one of us needs to undertake if we choose to live meaningfully.

It is a magical journey that offers a sense of wonder and sheer joy, of falling in love with life. Magic happens when we let our guard down and start to live from the inside out, instead of trying to appease  external dictates.

The path of freedom invites us to open to new experiences, living with a vulnerability that is free from fear. No matter what else is happening in our lives, we have an open invitation to fall in love with life.

Where many are discouraged by the divisiveness and polarized perspectives in the world around us, I see opportunities for humanity to rise to the challenges of this time.

It is time to adapt to uncertainty and subjective realities by improving our ability to listen deeply to our inner guidance as well as the voices of others. Freedom requires us to respect the subjective experiences and viewpoints of others instead of trying to make them wrong. Above all, we need to fully accept the sovereignty of ourselves and others to choose our individual paths.

I believe that humanity can release the childish egoic desire to win at all costs, and that we can adapt to living in harmony with the uncertainty and entanglement that undergirds the quantum paradigm.

We have great opportunities to reclaim our freedom and empowerment as individuals, and to help restore the collective. We’re invited to honor just how connected we are with one another and with all life. We are free to relax into the diversity of an abundant universe, and to experience a state of continuous flow and quantum coherence.

When we no longer give away our freedoms for a false sense of certainty, we’ll enjoy an ever-deepening trust in the perfect unfoldment of Nature, the Cosmos, and unconditional Divine love.

Freedom of choice allows us to tap into the abundance of a Universe that far exceeds anything we’ve known so far. It all starts by taking back our freedom as individuals, and letting the energy ripple out from there to transform our world!

©Copyright Ada Porat. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached. For more information, visit https://AdaPorat.com

From Insidious Problems to Inclusive Solutions: The Spirituality of Our Future


Photo by Satyabratasm on Unsplash

Have you noticed how casual conversation has turned into a minefield of potential conflict? Our world has become so polarized in recent years that if often feels as if society is unraveling at the seams. What is contributing to this phenomenon and what can we do about it?

When we exclude, we lose

Lack of inclusivity fosters division, exclusion and, ultimately, persecution. This applies to family systems as well as to larger groups. We see this happening all over, from individual social settings to larger government policies.

Exclusion stems from a misguided survival mechanism – the egoic need to obliterate other viewpoints so we can feel secure. It operates on limited information and often rejects truth in favor of the deeper ego need to control. Over time, such limitations fuel victimizing and fragmentation, both at an individual level and beyond. It divides us instead of bringing us together around our common human values.

Exclusion creates social unraveling on steroids! We do not need more separation, but Higher intelligence to unite humanity around our common goals and needs.

The healing power of Higher intelligence

Higher intelligence does not seek to divide and conquer through fragmentation or transhumanism. Rather, it seeks to fully inhabit and transform human nature from within by serving a transcendent Power greater than our rigid, limited ego. Higher intelligence honors the wisdom of our common Divine Source and the eternal nature of our souls.

Healing for our world starts by remembering this common Source. When given its rightful place in the circle of life, this transcendent Power can gather humans from across the spectrum of diversity to unite around our common needs and values. Returning to Source is our first step toward mutual forgiveness and unification. It allows us to return to our inner compass.

Evolve or devolve: it’s our choice

Humanity has evolved this far not by compromising to meet the demands of every loud voice, but by honoring Higher principles. When we abandon our inner compass and water down Higher Truth, we surrender to the insatiable needs of egos gone amuck… and we devolve. Evolution requires us to stay aligned to Higher Truth and live by the Golden Rule: doing unto others as we would have them do to us. No-one is exempt.

We ignore the Golden Rule at our own peril. When we insist on being treated as special or more deserving than others, we reject the inherent wholeness that underlies all. The ego need for specialness blinds our perception to other views and leads to further fragmentation. When we dismiss facts and blindly cling to our limiting beliefs, we soon drift toward partial truths, twisted thinking and evil. There is a steep price to pay for this selective perception: By settling for lesser evil, everyone loses because choosing lesser evil ultimately further empowers evil.

Transcending our differences

How do we break free from this collective trance? We cannot free ourselves or wake others up by attacking other views – such a dualistic approach simply reinforces the desire to dig in and cling more to entrenched beliefs. We need to transcend opposing views to find workable solutions that benefit the whole.

Transcending our differences starts by finding the common ground that unites us. When we acknowledge our mutual need for solutions, we can build bridges of harmonious cooperation between ourselves and others. Working from our common core, we can find solutions that transcend duality-based viewpoints. This is known as the third way – a path that supersedes the entrenched viewpoints of self and other.

Living by the third way

Einstein understood this principle when he said that problems cannot be solved with from same level of thinking from where we created them. This third way is the path of higher consciousness which transcends the limited duality of ego. When we recognize one another as diverse expressions of the One Creator, we can overcome differences and work toward unifying goals that benefit the common good.

Ignoring Higher Law is not an option if we wish to survive and evolve. When we turn away from Truth, we lose our connection to Higher intelligence and get mired in the dualistic battle between egos. We feed our own egos on junk by judging others as bad or less than us – and by doing so, we ultimately turn into the very things we judge or despise.

Two sides of the same coin

Judgment and hatred of others tie us to the problem and make it impossible to find win-win solutions.

We see this dynamic playing out around us every day. Liberals call for freedoms by stressing the differences between groups, genders or color – and it ultimately becomes oppressive of anyone who does not fit into one of these limiting boxes. Likewise, conservatives reject liberal labels and fixate on the ‘liberal evil,’ oblivious of the evil in their own hatred of the other. In the end, opposing groups of all kinds are united in their common judgment and hatred which further fragments, divides and imprisons them duality. There is no unity to be found.

Even activism derived from ego does not have the capacity to bridge the divide among groups because ego always seeks primacy of the self. Dualistic activism is blinded to Higher Truth: it merely fuels further polarization no matter how well-intended. Instead of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, we may find ourselves weaponizing and throwing them at others.

Where is the Golden Rule in that? It gets trampled by egos on steroids! What is needed to bridge the chasm, is greater commitment to find the common threads that unite us as humanity and then to take appropriate collective action that benefits the whole.

The battle for our minds

The true battle we are engaged in now is not waged on the battlefields of the world, but in the inner terrain of our minds. When we fail to discern the source behind messages we are bombarded with, we easily capitulate to propaganda. Likewise, we lock ourselves into the limitations of duality-consciousness whenever we blindly oppose other viewpoints. Every time we are too lazy to do our own independent research and instead capitulate to a steady stream of misinformation and propaganda, we get more brainwashed ourselves. Gradually, we lose our connection to Higher Truth and to our common humanity; we become fragmented by superficial divisions designed to splinter the fabric of our society. And we become part of the problem.

Finding solutions within

And yet, there are solutions to every problem. We find optimal solutions whenever we no longer blame, shame and marginalize others. The solutions needed in our world cannot be found in ego structures such as politics, institutional education or religion. They need to be rediscovered within, starting with the common ground shared by all humanity. We need to individually and collectively bow to the Higher Truth that resides in each of us. Only then can we grow into our full potential.

The spirituality of the future

Our human vessels contain the sacred potential of each soul that yearns for healing to begin. Instead of dividing and hating our fellow humans, our souls gently nudge us to come together and heal: forgiving ourselves for our individual blindness to Truth, and then extending that same compassionate forgiveness to others. We need to walk with eyes wide open to see beyond the façade and find potential for good in every situation. We must relentlessly search out and eliminate every virus of fear that hovers in our minds, seeking to hijack our thinking. As we stabilize our being in Eternal Truth, it will expose all lies masquerading as information. When we return to our sacred center and transcend the ego-made, politically inflamed divisions in society, we can gather around the sacred fire of the heart to heal and unite.

Each one of us is on this planet to learn and grow. We came here for this time of crisis, which also holds the potential for evolutionary growth. If we choose to navigate by marginalizing and destroying others and other life forms, we will devolve and potentially self-destruct. Evolution and survival require us to grow up as a species and as individuals: taking responsibility for our actions and making space for diversity in the circle of life.

You and I can start right here, right now by choosing not to feed the hateful path of separation but to embrace the path that nurtures, forgives and unites. The spirituality of our future requires that we release the grip of ego so we can walk our talk, living by the principles of Higher Law. That is true freedom and joy!

About the author

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit https://adaporat.com. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.

Feeling Stuck? How To Get Going Again In Three Basic Steps

https://adaporat.com/feeling-stuck-how-to-get-going-again-in-three-basic-steps/Photo Credit: Alexander Schimmeck, Unsplash

Everyone desires to improve their life in some way: to heal something, change limiting habits, find a romantic partner, lose weight, reach their highest potential, develop intuition, find their soul purpose, and more.

As long as we are alive, this process continues. Norman Mailer put it this way: “Every moment of one’s existence one is growing into more or retreating into less. One is always living a little more or dying a little bit.” There’s always a next step waiting to be taken, yet everyone – absolutely everyone – has trouble accomplishing these laudable goals. In fact, we spend an inordinate time making up reasons and excuses for not moving forward.

Not moving forward is extremely painful. It creates a sense of frustration with yourself because the desire to grow and expand comes from your soul. Resistance to following your path blocks the very expression of your soul. Imagine the impact of such dense emotions that accumulate in the body over years of wrestling with the same dysfunctional patterns!

Here are three practical steps to help you get unstuck and move forward more effectively:

  1. Ditch fear of humiliation

Most people are controlled by fear of being humiliated or judged by others – and that fear prevents them from moving forward in their lives.

You can overcome this paralyzing fear by recognizing that your true locus of control is inside of you; it does not come from anyone outside you. When you acknowledge the Divine Presence in you and start to follow its gentle prompting, you’ll find the courage and validation you seek within yourself.

Looking outside ourselves for approval or acceptance is an ego trap. It breeds fear of being humiliated whenever external feedback conflicts with our ego needs and is actually a form of pride.

True commitment to our soul path brings about a sense of authentic humility. When we no longer seek approval from outside ourselves, we’re better able to align with Higher truth within. Our relationship with Spirit cultivates deep inner honesty and humility within us. We no longer need to impress or win the fleeting approval of others; instead, we embrace with our true identity as souls and learn to operate by Higher law, resulting in inner peace.

 Fantasy or reality?

Do you find yourself bargaining that you’ll do what you need to as soon as the children are grown, or after you’re out of debt, or once you get a new job? Are you dreaming of the life you desire if only you had the money, time or resources? Empty dreams are fantasy – they keep us in a state of scarcity unless we take appropriate action!

Here’s another way to look at life: Everything that shows up in your life and mine, is perfect for the purpose of our growth… not our comfort! On this planet, results are built by matching vision with action, step by step. Nothing falls from the sky ready-made, and circumstances never pause to create the perfect show-stopping moment for us to step into. If we wait for the perfect opportunity before taking action, we may even miss the steppingstones along the way. To break free from wishful thinking, the question to ask yourself instead is, “What I am I doing in the meantime?”

A colleague of mine used to tell her clients, “It’s only too late if you don’t start now!” You cannot satisfy your soul’s yearning with empty dreams and promises – you’re made of better stuff and your soul knows that! Start taking action now with the guidance you already have, and the next step will show up. When guidance is given but you don’t act on it, you may end up with information overload – overwhelmed, stuck or frustrated – whereas steady action will clear the way forward.

 Information overload

Information overload can come from asking for input from too many people but never acting on the information stuffed into your energy field. It is normal to gather information before moving forward. The trap lies in over-analyzing each piece of information or waiting for more guidance to appear before acting. This can move you into analysis paralysis or information overload with too much data floating around in your mind, triggering your fears, anxieties, limitations, or past trauma, so you end up too confused to start. Information overload also happens when giving your power away to others instead of taking full responsibility for your own life.

To break free from the bog of information overload, go back to the beginning and look at the very first step that needs to be taken. If internal chatter of fear, bargaining or limitation arises in response, deal with it! Your power lies in choosing your truth in the face of your fears. Drill down to the source of fear and recognize it for what it is – the ego’s stalling tactic to keep you from changing. Let go of it and take the first step forward despite the fear, and it will diminish. Once you’ve taken the first step, you can ask for more guidance, listening within for it. The next breadcrumb will show up!

 Collectively, these three steps can help you get unstuck from the sticky bogs of stagnation, and help you live more effectively.

©Copyright Ada Porat. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached. For more information, visit https://AdaPorat.com