Photo credit: Sabine Schulte, Unsplash

Some people possess a very special quality: they embody the presence of now in their hearts. When we have a chance to sit close to such a person, we feel calm. They radiate an energy of peace that penetrates us deeply. It stills our wandering thoughts and quiets our worry.

Whenever we have a chance to walk alongside those souls who live in the eternal now, we can feel this subtle source of peace and joy. Through their presence, we are able to connect to that source as well. Their quiet consistency brings peace to the turbulence in the world around them, and they lead us by example to live in peace.

You too can live like this. You can shed your learned hurry and move through life as if there is no deadline to meet, no need to be somewhere else in this moment.  You can move through life as if you are already where you need to be — as if you are arriving with every step. Each step can bring you closer to that perennial peace within —embodied in the presence of now.

When we choose to move through life like this, we lose our sense of isolation in the world.  We are no longer separate individuals rushing about to avoid the bad and reach for good. Instead, we start feeling again our connection to the whole, like droplets remembering that they belong to the ocean. The drop of water does not need to do anything – it feels the embrace of the ocean and let itself be carried along by the current in each present moment.

That current is our spiritual core; the inner voice that whispers to us when we tune out the brassy loudness of the material world. To feel truly alive and at peace, it is essential to learn how to do that.

Perhaps you feel as if the opportunity for peace has passed you by; you said or did things that caused pain or separation between you and others. Perhaps you were not able to see truth clearly and judged from a place of fear or anger. It may feel as if it is too late to make amends; too much water has passed under the bridge.

Yet even the work of healing the past lies in the present moment. From this place of mindfulness, you can choose forgiveness and reconciliation to clear away misunderstandings, anger and sadness from the past. It is exactly in this moment, now, that the work of healing must be done to set your soul free.

No matter how difficult the challenges of the past have been, you are here now, reading these words. You are alive! Treasure the reality that you are alive in this moment, and embrace the opportunity for healing it offers. Sit down quietly and go within: meditate to look deep and sweep away the woundedness, prejudice and mistakes of the past. Accept the opportunity offered by the presence of now.

The present moment offers us a gift. It allows us to forgive, heal and return to peace. Life is present for you in this moment, waiting for you to choose what you will do with it, and in so doing, what quality of peace you will experience.

About the author

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