Harnessing The Cycle Of Creation For Success
Do you love the life you are creating? If not, don’t despair! By consciously working with the cycle of creation, you can boost your creative potential at every level. As a spiritual being, you are gifted with the ability to co-create your reality. You’ll create your...
Authentic Living Brings Peace, Joy and Power
I write about peace, joy and power not because I have mastered it, but because these qualities are the hallmarks of authentic living. As such, I am always learning how to bring more of these qualities into my own life. Living authentically requires us to practice what...
Ten Steps to Survive Setbacks
You may be cruising along comfortably at work or in your relationship when – bam! - something unexpected jerks the rug out from beneath you. Setbacks happen in every life – and usually when you least expect them, right! Research shows that setbacks and challenges...
How Your Destiny Shapes You
The coming year will shape the destiny of every human being on this planet because it will offer every person pivotal opportunities for personal and global transformation. The question each of us should ask is, "How will the forces guiding my life affect me in the...
Moving Beyond Limitations
"We sometimes feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." - Mother Teresa One of the reasons we get intimidated by the process of living, is that we think our part is not grand enough. After all, the...
Feeling Stuck Or Constrained? A Call To Higher Ground
Feeling stuck in life at this time? Frustrated? Take a moment to really feel what is going on. You are not stuck… you are simply constrained. Yes, the old way of doing things no longer works, and you are trying to adjust to radical new ways of looking at life, doing...
What To Ask When Things Go Wrong
Is it just me, or does life seem to be happening at a faster clip these days? At times, if feels as if we live our lives like passengers on a runaway train, distracting ourselves with small details while the outer landscape whizzes by at dizzying speed. The frenetic...
Twelve Steps To Simplify Your Life
Stress is a destructive by-product of modern life that can wreak havoc at various levels of your life. Here are a few ideas to help simplify your life so you’ll have more time to smell the roses
You Can Change Your Life
No matter how complex the world we live in, we have the power to bring about change – starting with ourselves. At this very moment, you can take definitive action to change your life for better! Are you stuck in a dead-end job? You can change that! Perhaps you feel...
When Compassion Turns Neurotic
Compassion is essential to human well-being and should be practiced by all of us. To do so, we need to discern between healthy compassion and its cheap imitations: pity and blind compassion. The cheap counterfeits to true compassion operate on avoidance. Pity seeks to...
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