Photo Credit: Zenad Nabil, Unsplash

There is a deeper reality in every human being that exists beyond our personality and social identity. All spiritual teachings point to this reality, which is often referred to as “inner light.”

The modern word for this inner light is consciousness, and it is perhaps the deepest mystery in the universe. It is without beginning and without end, and it exists in limitless quantities and diversity. It is known as the presence of Life Force, the One Source, or the Creator, and it permeates everything.

How do we bring more of this consciousness in our own lives? How can we channel this inner light as a force for good in the world during this critical time?

Consciousness is the core substance of life everywhere. It exists in every life form. Even when you doubt everything about yourself, the fact that you are conscious, exists beyond any doubt.

Spiritual practice allows us to access that field. When we transcend thinking, we become aware of that field of consciousness that permeates everything. As we quiet the monkey mind, we become more aware of the vast realm of consciousness within and around us. We are all part of that One consciousness; we are interconnected through that unified Field.

This is both a mystery and an experiential realization; it is the foundation of all true action and effectiveness.

If we don’t know ourselves as the light of consciousness, we only perceive ourselves as separate bodies. And living life from such an ego-identified state tends to be fear-based, lonely and limiting.

When we start to glimpse what “being the light” means, we become benevolent change agents in the universe. We learn to tap into creative inspiration, so we can contribute to both our own evolution and that of all other life forms, especially during these turbulent times.

Each one of us has the power and the responsibility to expand our inner light of consciousness. All spiritual practices reach toward this common goal: cultivating gratitude, purifying our minds, practicing good spiritual hygiene, and nurturing our spiritual identity, are just some of the proven ways to do so.

With greater conscious awareness and alignment, we become more available to our loved ones and are better able to nurture them. The deeper we move into personal alignment with Higher consciousness, the more we can foster that emergent light of consciousness in others. Expanded consciousness also allows us to honor all forms of life as emanations of the One Source, so that we treat all forms of life with reverence and respect.

Embodying the unity consciousness of our common Source is essential for making meaningful change in our world. It is the antithesis of ego-based tyranny, which adds conflict to problems by separating and isolating.

You and I are the light of the world. When we understand this, we shift from a state of consumption to one of altruistic service. The more we expand our own spiritual understanding, the more we can positively contribute to all areas of society.

Conscious, Source-aligned action is called for more than ever now.

Our united, light-filled consciousness is needed to ignite the light in those who are ready. We are standing on the forefront of global change, and embracing our Divine nature allows us to anchor more light in the world.

Our contribution to the peaceful evolution of life on this planet can take many forms, yet it is not optional. If we wish to be a part of the solution instead of the problem, we need to step up and participate, starting with expanding our own levels of consciousness.

Indeed, the Presence of our awakened consciousness will empower and guide us to create collaborative and sustainable solutions to problems at all levels.

By deepening our inner alignment, we also develop more meaningful connections with those around us. Deeper levels of personal transformation allow us to become inspirational to others. This becoming is a precious gift we offer the world; it is not something we can buy or access randomly, but the fruit of deep, ongoing personal transformation.

Moreover, this deeply embodied transformational consciousness forms the foundation for creating optimal new ways of living that are desperately needed in the world.

Our world is teetering at the edge of tyranny and totalitarianism. This is the urgent challenge and the opportunity we are called to address now.

Our level of consciousness determines the quality of what we create. To create something better, then, we need to transcend the lower levels of consciousness which led to current dynamics. The urgency of our times calls for more than a cessation of violence; it requires the transformation of egoic tyranny into self-awareness, blame into self-responsibility and blind projection into personal transformation.

Those who are awake are called to lead the change by example. We are called not to fight the dark but to shine the light and in doing so, to dispel the darkness. Each person who steps off the ego platform of false righteousness, hatred and judgment to engage in this process of transformation, can anchor more light in the world.

The presence of that Light then allows others to awaken and find their way to greater wholeness. When we join our Light, hope is rekindled around us. That Light within will guide us back to one another and unite us on a higher path so we can fulfill our common purpose as souls.

©Copyright Ada Porat. This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached. Ada Porat is an energy kinesiologist & pastoral counselor with extensive international teaching & clinical experience. She uses body/mind/spirit techniques to help clients make optimal life choices. For more information, visit