Photo by Vyacheslav Shatskiy on Unsplash
Are you feeling strained, bombarded by paradox and mixed messages everywhere you turn? You’re not alone!
More than ever, the boundaries between light and shadow have become blurred. What is true and what is not? What should we choose and what decline? Welcome to the challenge of finding balance between paradoxical paradigms!
We have the capacity to navigate through this time, but we must learn how to do so effectively. Our future depends on it!
To thrive in a world awash with paradox, we need discernment to determine what is appropriate for us, because the solutions for loved ones or friends may not be optimal for us. We need to master how to cherry-pick optimal choices for each of us individually, even when the majority leans in a different direction.
Truth can be fluid, twisted, and modified. It looks different from different levels of consciousness, and so the truth for each of us is about what is appropriate for you or me at our individual place in consciousness; what is harmonious with our individual levels of learning and understanding right now.
There is no need to fear the confusing paradoxes and anomalies around us. Each one of us is continuously connected to our souls and beyond that, to the Creator energy that sustains and protects us. Whenever we consciously take in information, that Creator energy within empowers us to transmute what is not helpful, and to embrace what is.
Thriving in the paradoxical paradigm requires us to evolve into higher levels of being by leaning into our spiritual identity. It requires us to step out of the limiting box of group-think and tribal alliances. We make optimal choices when we bypass the ego noise and choose from our hearts. And so, we need to become inner-directed, self-regulating beings who receive our guidance and discernment from within to lead and keep us safe. We must funnel information through the true filter of our hearts to determine what is appropriate for each of us individually, and to select what resonates with our unique energy field.
The potential for spiritual evolution for everyone on the planet is enormous at this time. As cosmic radiation and photon light penetrate planet Earth traveling through the photon belt, everything is speeding up and evolving faster. We can tap into that energy by strengthening our heart connection with Spirit, evolving our consciousness and staying present with each moment. The path of spiritual evolution requires good spiritual hygiene – the ability to steer clear of traps and to nourish ourselves appropriately. Here are some thoughts on how to apply it in different areas of life.
Filter exposure
It is important to pay attention to the external environments we expose ourselves to. When we take back our power from externalized loci of control, we become self-regulating, empowered beings who navigate without fear. Technology is not our boss; it is merely a tool that can be used in service to our truth and level of consciousness.
Navigate from the heart
Navigation from the heart is the way forward. It will draw to us not only what is necessary for our individual journeys, but it will also guide us to higher levels of awareness and empowerment. This connection asks us to step away from outer chaos and to connect to the Source of truth within. It transforms us into inner-directed, self-regulating beings.Our heart connection is a powerful, sacred tool. Each one of us has the ability to focus inward and to access the wisdom within to guide us on our sacred journey of individuation. We’ve been given the freedom to choose; so let’s choose wisely. This inner wisdom is not to be squandered on defending our ego stance or judging others; it is a sacred tool to help us transform our choices, outlook and being.
Support your physical vehicle
Likewise, our physical bodies need optimal support to thrive. We may need to take our power back from substances or limiting habits that do not serve us. True power is not found in external substances, but in the limitless consciousness that we are, manifest in human form. Our bodies are uniquely resilient and calibrated to keep us safe. To function best, our bodies need to be guided by higher consciousness, aligned to our inner life Source and nourished with respect. When aligned this way, the body will find optimal ways to create the reality we focus on.
Mind your mind
Our thoughts become things, so let’s choose wisely. To let our light shine more brightly, we must maintain our balance within an ever-expanding universe, and replace judgment with curiosity. We can become curious about possibilities instead, and embrace that which brings peace, harmony and joy. This is a time to avoid the temptation to vilify, judge or criticize ourselves or others, for it serves no positive purpose. Instead, we need to catch ourselves when defaulting into old habits and bring back our focus to this present moment, where all possibilities exist. Over time, we will become what we focus on. That is why it is so important to discipline our minds and focus on things that are congruent with our level of consciousness and understanding – our survival and thriving absolutely depend on that.
Grow into maturity
Navigating these times calls for discipline and maturity as well. It takes commitment, repetition and discipline to bring our minds into alignment and keep focusing on our inner truth. Distractions are everywhere! Learning to manage our individual consciousness with maturity and self-discipline, is essential if we wish to effectively navigate the brave new world emerging around us. This is a core truth that needs to be practiced by everyone who wants to thrive in the coming years.
Choose where to focus
We also need to wield the power of focus effectively. We are on the cusp between two very different paradigms, the old and the new. Even as the old paradigm is being laid bare and seen for its limitations, new options are emerging. There is no need to continue entangling with the old, whether through judgment or resistance. It is helpful to remember that whenever we resist or fight something, we’re actually entangling our own energy with that field. And what we resist, persists! We need not obsess with destroying the old; the power of our aligned intention will simply continue to expand what we focus on, allowing old, abandoned constructs to shrivel up and die. Whatever we focus on, grows; whatever we withdraw our Life Force from, will drop away. Disciplined focus also banishes all fear. When our inner truth filter guides us, we become fearless. We can embrace the future, the new and the unknown without anxiety. We stand strong and navigate with confidence, because we filter, choose and navigate from the heart.
Align with true Power
The more we tap into the power of our alignment with the Life Force, the more effectively we’re able to focus that creative force in us on what we desire, align with and are harmonious with. As each of us, at our unique levels of consciousness, embrace this practice of alignment and discipline our focus to embrace what is desired now, the rich tapestry of our emergent world will thrive. The more aligned we are, the more access we have to channel our Higher wisdom and discernment. Over time, it brings mastery. Collectively and individually, this is how we create new habits, new structures and a new world.
Answer the call
We are called to become lighthouses for consciousness. The more light – representing higher levels of consciousness – we hold in our intentions, the quicker the old will drop away so the new can emerge. During times of external conflict and confusion, let’s choose to marinate our hearts in loving kindness and truth. Let’s sterilize all negativity as we breathe in peace, and breathe out all conflict, dissonance and pain. Let’s release what no longer serves, so we can remain perfectly aligned with our unfolding potential. We are the co-creators of our emerging new reality, so let’s stand in truth and trust the wisdom that guides us!
About the Author
©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.