The Blog

You Can Change The Way You Feel

Emotions are incredibly powerful, but an emotion cannot exist without a thought to drive it and give it life. Your thoughts direct and give life to your feelings. As you change your thoughts, you will notice that your mood, feelings and emotions will follow. Here are the five simple steps to change the way you feel…

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Changing Your Perspective

Do you have the courage and awareness to navigate challenging times? You have a powerful tool within that can help you turn the most perilous situation around into an opportunity for growth. It all depends on your perspective; how you look at things. If you want to experience different outcomes, you need to make different choices… and it starts with changing your perspective.

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Stop Worrying – It’s Not The End Of The World!

Fear and worry – especially unmanageable ones such as apocalyptic prophesies – can be big roadblocks to happiness. Fear and worry can stop you in your tracks, cause stagnation and stress your body and mind. Here’s how you can take action to stop these negative patterns and create happiness instead . . .

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Transformative Power Of Crisis

Humanity has reached the most critical watershed period in its history. This is not some futuristic horror scenario; it is happening in our lives now and we need to face facts. I believe that we can tap into the transformative power of global crisis to transform our minds, heal our lives and rebuild our world. It is time to muster the courage for meaningful change . . .

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Smart Meter Radiation Concerns

Since electric utilities installed smart meters on consumers’homes, many people are reporting symptoms of deteriorating health. And it’s not surprising: one smart meter emits hazardous radiation at levels between 60 and 150 times those of a cell phone,and up to 190,000 times per day!

These meters were marketed to consumers as a tool to monitor electricity use, which would result in savings. The facts indicate otherwise . . .

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