New Year Resolutions Worth Making

Still feeling a pang of guilt because last year’s resolutions did not make it past Valentine’s Day?

Perhaps those resolutions never stood a chance because you did not prime the pump first!  Let me explain.

Most of us are looking for similar things in life: more time, love, joy, health and quality of life.  What we sometimes forget, is that good things don’t simply fall down from the sky. We need to put some effort towards getting the outcomes we desire!

On my grandfather’s farm was a creaky old water pump. Before it would start drawing water from the well, it had to be primed with a cup of water. As a child, I used to love participating by pouring a cup of water down the pump before pumping the squeaky handle up and down, up and down… until a small stream of water would start running from the spout. Once the water started flowing, one could fill up as many buckets with water as needed, and it all started with the simple act of priming the pump with water first.

The water pump would not yield water if primed with rocks. It needed to be primed with water – the same substance I desired from it. In life it works the same way: we prime the pump of life with that which we contribute, and we attract that which we emanate. If we emanate lack, we cannot attract abundance and if we emanate anger, we cannot attract love. Because like attracts like, we therefore need to first prime the pump by giving of that which we desire.

In the process, the very quality we focus on giving becomes an integral part of our being. Just as that old water pump on the farm yielded as much water as desired after it was primed, a life that exudes love, abundance and joy, draws more of the same qualities.

This year, instead of making the same old New Year resolutions, perhaps it would be more meaningful to prime the pump with the very qualities you would like to see more of in your life.

Here are some ideas to get you started.  By practicing even just one of these principles consistently over time, you will find that life returns to you a bountiful measure of the same.

  1. I treat everyone in my life with the love and respect that I would receive from them.
  2. I believe it is more important to be loving than to be right, and I apply this in my life daily.
  3. I look for the beauty in every person and everything that crosses my path.
  4. I practice lovingkindness toward all sentient beings.
  5. I take steps to simplify my life so I can enjoy more with less.
  6. I find time to nurture my body, mind and soul, even if it is only a few minutes each day.
  7. I focus on what is right rather than what is wrong.
  8. I forgive those who have hurt me and let go of old wrongs so there may be peace on earth.
  9. I look for solutions, not for scapegoats.
  10. I find and express gratitude in my life each day.

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.


Cultivating Resilience

How resilient are you? Resilience is defined as the ability to return to your original form after being bent, stretched or compressed. It’s the ability to readily recover from illness or adversity. And success depends on your skill at cultivating resilience!

Life’s setbacks and disasters often arrive without prior warning. And while we may not have a choice as to what happens in our lives, we do have a choice in how we respond.

A healthy response requires cultivating inner resilience to recover from setbacks, broken hearts and dreams, financial crisis, loss of a loved one, or health setbacks.

The good news is that you and I can succeed at cultivating resilience. We can exercise it like a muscle, and in the process we can turn the challenging circumstances of our lives into opportunities that deepen our faith and strengthen our very fiber.

Cultivating resilience requires the ability to ask tough questions of yourself and be honest with your answers. If you had something to do with your loss or setback, it is important to accept responsibility for your share of it.

It also requires a sense of responsibility: the understanding that we are all connected and that your actions – for better or for worse – affect others. While you may not have control over the actions of others, accepting full responsibility for your own actions sets you free to respond in a manner that contributes to the greater good.

Cultivating resilience calls for humor to help reframe daunting obstacles and setbacks. When all else fails, learn to laugh at yourself and at the absurdity of your situation. When doctors handed journalist Norman Cousins a grave medical prognosis, he resolved to take charge of the things he could do: he checked himself out of the hospital, embarked on his own healing regimen, watched comedies… and literally laughed himself back to health!

Above all, cultivating resilience calls for faith: faith in your guidance, purpose and potential; faith to commit to life daily; and faith to get back up when circumstances knock you down. Once, when life had knocked me completely off my feet, a friend sent me a card that simply read,

”Fall down
seven times,
stand up eight.”

This Buddhist saying reaffirmed my faith and gave me the courage to keep going.

Every time you get up after a setback, every time you overcome a challenge in life, you develop more resilience.

May you grow, prosper and succeed despite your current challenges. May you grow stronger and more abundant despite the setbacks you’ve suffered in life, and may you cultivate resilience to see you through every challenge!

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.


Transformative Power Of Crisis

Humanity has reached the most critical watershed period in its history. To survive this crucial era, we must deal with the consequences of our collective irresponsibility: unresolved global relations, monetary exploitation, misguided technological development, excessive human consumption, hyper-militarization, and exhaustion of environmental resources, to name a few. We are approaching absolute limits in nearly all vital areas, threatening the very survival of mankind. To survive, we need to tap into the transformative power of crisis.

This is the perfect storm of a defining era. It is not some futuristic horror scenario; it is happening in our lives now and we need to face facts. This is the moment to set aside complacency, analyze the evidence, and connect those critical dots. This is not a time for voicing opinions and platitudes; it is a time to tap into the transformative power of crisis by making drastic changes in our behaviors.

Futurist Hardy Schloer calls these times we live in the Consequence Era – a time that spans from 2010 to around 2050 and during which the consequences of past actions are coming due. It is payday and the very survival of our species will be determined by the actions we take now.

In a 2012 article published in the Club of Amsterdam Journal, Schloer outlines ten stages that all societies cycle through: from the first stage of irresponsible exuberance that fosters reckless behavior, to the collapse of unsustainable systems and rebirth of society in stage ten.

Schloer is not alone in his observations. Futurists and visionaries have been calling for urgent action since the 1980s. Recently, the BBC charted a list of changes anticipated in the next 150 years, along with the likelihood of each event occurring. It tracked developments in computing, politics, business, science nature, society and technology. The chart shows a clear shift towards increasing dystopia as we approach 2020, indicating a buildup of social pressure for obsolete systems to give way.

We are well into this Consequence Era and crises seem to everywhere. It is important to note that in our global community, these crises affect each one of us on this planet: rich and poor, North and South, East and West.

We know that the transformative power of crisis can be seen in individual transformations that tend to occur when people are pressed to make changes, often during crisis. Fewer transformations occur when things are going well and there is no apparent need to evolve, because we inherently resist change.

Nothing motivates like fear. Sometimes vision alone is insufficient. At such times, the juxtaposition of a frightening possibility and a sustainable alternative can team up to accelerate our shift to new states of consciousness and behavior.

It is time to look at the bigger milieu that forms the backdrop of our daily lives. We are connected to everything that happens in the world out there, for better and for worse. By connecting the dots of what is happening globally, we can tap into the transformative power of crisis to take effective action locally.

This process requires willingness: willingness to re-examine old assumptions, beliefs and attitudes; willingness to abandon old behaviors; and willingness to incorporate more beneficial practices. And this time, it is not just for the fun of personal growth; our survival depends on it. Are you willing to use the pain and discomfort in your life as fuel to grow?

I believe that we can tap into the transformative power of crisis globally to transform our minds, heal our lives and rebuild our world. It is time to muster the courage for meaningful change. We need to examine the bigger picture, educate ourselves about emerging potentials, and take appropriate action at the individual level. When we can do this, we will find creative ways to ultimately thrive during the Consequence Era.

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.


Effective Decision-Making

Every option seems to have a downside. How do I know what’s best? I’m so confused,” a friend recently complained.

My friend was caught in a quandary familiar to many of us. After losing a well-paying job and pounding the pavement for months to find another, an excellent opportunity had just come up – but it required moving out of state. Now a decision had to be made: stay on unemployment and hope for something to turn up locally, uproot the family to accept the offer out of state… or consider something different altogether?

Every option offered potential benefits as well as the potential for failure. The conversation reminded me of six principles of effective decision-making that the school of life taught me.

1.   Decision-making is easy when there are no discrepancies in your value system

Fact is, there are decisions to be made every moment of life. Over time, these choices tend to unfold as failure or success, fulfillment or disappointment, or any of the myriad choices in between. So how can we optimize decision-making and minimize the downside?

A clear understanding of your core values will help you choose well at the decision-making junctions of life. These inner values and your emotions around them form an integral part of the decision-making process. Awareness of your core values makes it easier for you to choose options that are in harmony with those values. In the example above, a bit of probing help my friend recognize her core values, which includes being able to provide for her family. Once she recognized this core value, it was easier for her to embrace the idea of working out of town for a while instead of clinging to the security of the known.

2.   Effective decision-making deals decisively with fear

I’ve found that most folk who cling to the comfort and security of their known environment, are doing so from fear: fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of making mistakes. If you want to make great decisions, you absolutely need to evict fear from your life. It is a dream killer and a useless waste of energy!

3.   Effective decision-making looks at content as well as context

Your inner values and desires constitute the immediate content of your decisions. Beyond that inner world of content, effective decision-making also requires you to consider relevant factors in your external environment. When external factors are ignored, even great decisions can lead to failure. In the example above, some of the external factors my friend needed to consider included the timing of the job offer, overall economic conditions, the availability of other opportunities, and how each decision might impact the family.

4.   Effective decision-making requires you to be truthful

Decisions based on inner truth lead to empowerment. Choices that compromise your truth, lead to conflict and confusion.

Socrates observed that each of us chooses what we believe to be optimal, given our level of awareness and insight at the time. Our choices create a resonant frequency field which attracts resonant energies and repels dissonant frequencies. Over time, particles of probability in this attractor field evolve into possibilities that manifest as reality. Our thoughts and choices ultimately manifest as things, so it behooves us to focus on truth!

You cannot live an authentic life while dishonoring your inner truth. There comes a time for each of us when we must choose to honor our truth and let the chips fall where they may. As Marianne Williamson has said, our playing small does not serve the world.

The Course in Miracles teaches that Truth is not frail. Truth can withstand the demands of the ego. It can surmount envy, misconceptions and judgment, because it needs no defense.

True power lies in choosing from within, from the strength of having owned your fears, from the gentleness that you carry with grace. Each time you choose to honor your truth, you are creating more resonance to empower your journey.

5.   Effective decision-making needs focused intention

Do you know what is really motivating you? A great way of drilling down to your true intention is by asking yourself effective questions. Answering these questions will help you uncover patterns of self-sabotage, fear or compromise so you can make clear decisions. Author Debbie Ford outlines great questions in her book, The Right Questions. Here are a few:

  • Will this choice propel me toward an inspiring future or keep me stuck in the past?
  • Will this choice bring me long-term fulfillment or short-term gratification?
  • Am I standing in my power or am I trying to please another?
  • Am I looking for what is right or for what is wrong?
  • Will this choice add to my life force or rob me of energy?
  • Will I use this situation as a catalyst to grow or as an excuse to beat myself up?
  • Does this choice empower or disempower me?
  • Is this an act of self-love or is it an act of self-sabotage?
  • Is this an act of faith or is it an act of fear?

6.   Effective decision-making requires involvement of body, mind and soul

Finally, sound decision-making requires that you listen to the subtle messages within you at all levels: body, mind and soul. You can learn to tap into your innate wisdom by cultivating healthy connections among your body, mind and soul. Each of these levels communicates in different ways. Take time for meditation or contemplation. It will help you stay centered and at peace. Remain aware of your spiritual core guiding you through the physical challenges of life, and you will become effective at decision-making.

Once you’ve made a decision, stay flexible and embrace ambiguity. As additional information surfaces, you may want to adapt to it. Remember, change is usually a messy process! Flexibility makes it easier to navigate through change so you can optimize outcomes.

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.

Smart Meter Radiation Concerns

If you have been concerned about smart meter radiation, you’re in good company. Since electric utilities installed smart meters on consumers’ homes, many people are reporting symptoms of deteriorating health. And it’s not surprising: one smart meter emits hazardous radiation at levels between 60 and 150 times those of a cell phone, and up to 190,000 times per day!

These meters were marketed to consumers as a tool to monitor  electricity use, which would result in savings to consumers. The facts indicate otherwise: while smart meters transmit electric usage information directly to the power utility and save the utility the cost of sending out meter readers, many consumers are finding that their electricity bill spikes after installation of the smart meter. One of the reasons for this is that the smart meter uses electricity to transmit information to the utility every few seconds. These wireless signals penetrate walls and buildings and are re-radiated throughout homes and businesses by electrical wiring, metal plumbing, gas lines, metal fences, and more.

According to some scientists, smart meters radiation pushes the levels of electrosmog over the tolerable limit for many individuals. Other forms of electrosmog include dirty electricity, Wi-Fi and radiation from computers and cordless devices such as cell phones and laptops. At going rates of exposure, researchers expect to see an explosion in cancer rates over the next five years in the US – a rather dubious distinction in a country that already leads the western world in cancer rates.

Exposure to radiation from smart meters and other sources emitting electromagnetic frequencies, causes cumulative damage in the human body, including breakdown of the immune system, neurological system and more.

In a recent video interview, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt from the Klinghardt Acadamy in Seattle, WA, who has pioneered research and treatment protocols for heavy metal toxicity, Lyme’s Disease and autism, calls electromagnetic pollution the silent health epidemic of our time.

General Symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Increasing numbers of individuals are experiencing electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), a medical condition that develops in response to accumulation of smart meter radiation and EMFs in the body.

According to the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), the cumulative damage caused by exposure to these sources of electrosmog tends to affect patients in the areas where they are most vulnerable. Symptoms include:

Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle/joint pain, leg/foot pain, flu-like symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.

Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath.

Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.

Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.

Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in eyes, pressure in/behind eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.

Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears, inflamed or swollen lymph nodes.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Facts:

• Most suffers tend to be women, often 40+
• Symptoms tend to worsen over time and with continued exposure
• Many EHS sufferers also suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
• Children are significantly affected as they are still developing
• Many improve quickly when returned to an electrically clean environment

With continued exposure to smart meter radiation and other forms of electrosmog, people get progressively worse. According to expert Dr. Olle Johansson, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden who led a study on the issue, the best strategy for recovery is to eliminate and avoid exposure to EMFs:

“70% of respondents suffered from chronic fatigue, headache, concentration problems and other psychosomatic ailments. Somatic problems included impaired vision, smell and hearing as well as skin problems and pains in joints and muscles … we conclude from their information that the only effective protective strategy is avoiding the disturbing EMFs.”

Of all the  sources of EMFs in homes, smart meter radiation is the leading pollutant. A great deal of research has been done on the kind of radiation smart meters emit—and much of it is scary.

Radiation Linked To Numerous Health Issues

One comprehensive report is the BioInitiative Report 2012. Written by 29 independent scientists, researchers, and health policy professionals from 10 different countries, this 650-page report cites more than 1,800 recent studies with clear evidence that numerous health issues, including DNA breakage and cancer, are created by exposure to radiation from cell phones, cell towers, power lines and Wi-Fi. This report presents chilling evidence to the unseen dangers of electrosmog.

Smart Meters Often Violate FCC Standards

Sage Associates, an independent research team, published a report entitled “Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters.” They concluded that smart meter radiation often does not comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety standards — standards which are inherently insufficient for measuring radiation levels in smart meters.

Set back in 1996, FCC standards were based on studies with healthy 6’2”, 220 lb men exposed for short periods of time — very different from the situation with smart meter radiation, in which women, children and people in fragile health are continuously exposed to radiation, and often from more than one smart meter.

Furthermore, the regulations only tested for thermal damage — and the true health risks researchers are finding are from non-thermal effects. Also, other sources of radiation (such as Wi-Fi, cell phones, and other wireless devices present in today’s homes) were not present in the testing. For all these reasons, the Sage Associates report strongly cautions that smart meters are not safe.

Smart Meters Are NOT Smart!

There’s a growing body of research showing smart meters to emit between 60 and 150 times the frequencies of a single cell phone. Wireless smart meter radiation produces atypical, potent and very short pulsed radio frequencies and microwaves whose biological effects have never been fully tested. They emit these millisecond-long frequency bursts on average 9,600 times a day with a maximum of 190,000 daily transmissions and a peak level emission two and a half times higher than the stated safety signal, as acknowledged by the California utility Pacific Gas and Electric before that State’s Public Utilities Commission. Thus, people in proximity to a smart meter are at risk of significantly greater aggregate exposure than with a cell phone, not to mention the cumulative levels of radio and microwave frequencies affecting people living nearby.

International Organizations Warn About Radiation Health Risks

A number of international organizations have issued strong cautions about all technologies that emit radiation similar to smart meter radiation, including the Council of Europe, the European Environment Agency, UK Trades Union Congress, the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, and the Russian Commission for Electromagnetic Safety. The UK Report is calling for withdrawal of all wi-fi in schools because of numerous health risks to the developing brains and nervous systems of children.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Toxicology Program have also studied the effects of non-thermal radiation on human health. Their updated findings indicate that, among other things, radiation can significantly increase the risk of cancer, fetal abnormalities, neuro-degenerative disease and glioma, a deadly brain tumor. They have classified radio frequencies as a possible carcinogen in the same category as lead and DDT. You can access the complete WHO report here.

Most recently, citing the substantial scientific literature on the subject, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has called for an immediate moratorium on installing smart meters due to smart meter radiation health risks.

What Can You Do About Electrosmog?

Step 1: Educate yourself

The first step is to educate yourself on the facts.  If you care about your health and the health of your family, you cannot afford to blithely accept the public relations platitudes put out by utilities. What you don’t know, could kill you. 

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt how smart meter radiation and other forms of electrosmog cause autism and permanent, irreversible cellular damage. Then dig into the archives at to discover the findings of leading scientists on the dangers of smart meter  radiation. Finally, go to Youtube to learn how Dr. David Gatoff, a naturopathic physician, found ways to help his patients protect themselves from smart meter radiation. The link will take you to the first of three videos by Dr. Gatoff.

The Center for Electrosmog Prevention, a non-profit organization, has a web site with current public health alerts for smart meter radiation and cell phone safety. You can also read more about the dark side of smart meters at

Since many media outlets have refrained from reporting on the problem, crowd-funding made it possible for an independent documentary on the issue to be produced in 2013. Take Back your Power investigates the benefits and risks of the ubiquitous smart grid program being implemented internationally, with insight from expert researchers, politicians, insiders, physicians and concerned communities.

Step 2: Have your smart meter removed

Contact your power company and tell them how smart meter radiation has impacted your health. Get a letter from your doctor if you need to and insist they replace it with a non wi-fi or analog meter.

If your utility is not willing to work with you, you can take action by downloading legal documentation to give your power utility notice that the smart meter radiation violates your consumer rights, and give the utility a limited time to stop violating the law and your rights by replacing your smart meter with a safe analog unit.

This company, Freedom Taker, also sells analog meters for consumers to self-install, but more importantly, they provide the legal documentation for you as a consumer to send to your non-compliant utility company.

After receiving this notice, if the utility continues to violate the law and fail to provide a safe and lawful analog meter within a reasonable time, you then have the right to defend yourself against their violations of the law and replace the meter yourself.

If your utility is not willing to work with you, you can also join a citizens’ coalition near you to sign petitions to have smart meters removed. You can find grass roots support coalitions on EMF Safety Network here or at Take Back Your Power‘s worldwide directory here.

US citizens are encouraged file a complaint with the US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC). If you have or had smart meter health problems call (800) 638-2772 Monday thru Friday from 8 AM-5:30 PM ET, or submit your complaint at They will record your complaint and pass along the information to the FCC and the FDA as well. Every complaint adds to the body of evidence needed at the government level to take action!

Step 3: Clean up dirty electricity input

Next, take action to clean up the global energy input to your home. Hire an electrician or buy an EF/RF/EMF meter and measure the levels of noise and static from dirty electricity in your home. The Cornet ED75 or ED78 are good multi-function units.

Install a Satic wired-in electricity capacitor on your breaker panel at the main electric inlet for the home to modulate all electric inputs and to clean up dirty electricity. You can also opt for one or more global plug-in units from the same company, Satic USA. Such units offer global surge protection, while they also condition your power lines, reduce electro-magnetic frequencies, regulate voltage, reduce negative harmonics and reduce electric consumption up to 30%. Learn more about Satic technology here or order a Satic capacitor for your home.

Step 4: Clean up radiation seepage from your outlets

Your home’s electrical wiring and copper water pipes can serve as an antenna to amplify electrical noise to dangerously high EMF levels. Use a Graham-Stetzer meter to determine remaining radiation levels from cables and electric outlets, and install plug-in Stetzer EMF filters at all areas where radiation still measures above 30 units on the G-S meter. You can order these items from Bio-Electric Shield.

Step 5: Eliminate Wi-Fi in your home

If you can pick up the Wi-Fi signals of six other neighbors, those emissions are also radiating into your space, adding to the cumulative radiation in your environment.  It is important to eliminate unnecessary exposure to Wi-Fi in your home and opt for Ethernet cable connections instead.  To learn how to protect yourself from Wi-Fi, computer and laptop emissions in your home, visit

Step 6: Get rid of cordless phones at home

As far as EMF pollution, the most important culprit at home and at the office, is the use of DECT cordless phones. These devices represent the third leading source of EMF pollution after smart meters and Wi-Fi. They continuously emit microwave signals between 1880 MHz and 1930 MHz around the clock, whereas you can turn your cell phone off or put it on airplane mode! If you want to sleep at night, you really need to eliminate these devices at home. If you really can’t live without your cordless phone, get a low EMF or eco-DECT cordless model such as the Siemens Gigaset S795 cordless phone. These phones still emit radiation, but have two advantages: the nearer the handset to the base when on eco mode, the less radiation is emitted and the less you are exposed; and the base does not emit radiation when the phone is on standby.

Step 7: Protect your personal energy field

So now you may have cleaned up your personal space at home. How can you protect yourself when you are in public spaces, near transmission towers, power lines or surrounded by Wi-Fi? It is essential to protect your body’s electro-magnetic field from these intrusions so they don’t scramble your innate frequencies, resulting in the symptoms or disease conditions discussed earlier.

You may need a personal bio-electric shield to protect your body’s energy field from the harmful interference patterns of electrosmog, both at home and elsewhere. Bio-electric shields are finely tuned modulating units that were developed using Bragg’s Law technology. A personal bioshield attunes to your body’s unique biomagnetic field, and then operates like a personalized Satic capacitor to modulate dissonant frequencies in your immediate environment. By doing that, your personal electromagnetic biofield is protected and strengthened – watch this video to learn how it works.

I have spent a lot of time researching and talking to various manufacturers and scientists about electrosmog in the past few months. I knew that whatever protection I had used in the past, was no longer sufficient and I needed something that can cope with the heightened electrosmog in my environment. In the past, I had taken to wearing not one, but two pendants and a bracelet from a well-known company that promised complete protection, to no avail. It was like a whisper in a storm! I don’t think that the company lied about their products; but rather that their basic copper wire technology is simply not able to cope with the EMF onslaught we are faced with today.

Step 8:  Get grounded

One of the factors of modern life is that we seldom experience the ground offered by being barefoot on the earth. Research indicates that symptoms of inflammation, sleep disturbances and electrosmog hypersensitivity can be alleviated by sleeping in a grounded environment.  You can get some of the beneficial effects of being in nature by sleeping grounded. The Earthing Starter Kit comes with a grounding sheet and pad which will allow you to be grounded as you sleep or work on a computer and you can purchase it here.


Escalating levels of electrosmog in our environment are affecting all of us – it is an invisible epidemic that can rob us of health, vitality and life force. The good news is that with the proper information, we can protect ourselves. I’m sharing what I learned in the process of reclaiming my health so you can have an easier learning curve than I did!

I had my smart meter removed as soon as I discovered its impact on my health. After a lot of research, I also purchased a Satic capacitor, personal bioshields, room protectors, and other EMF protection products for my home from Dr. Charles Brown and his wife Virginia at Bio Electric Shield. I was so impressed with the ethics and knowledge of Bio Electric Shield, Inc. that I offered to share their brochures with colleagues and clients. In turn, they will offer a 10% discount to everyone that tells them they were referred by Stillpoint Holistic Services.

To order EMF shielding products and/or a personal bioshield from Bio Electric Shield with the 10% discount, use this link and enter your discount code, STILLPOINT (all caps), at checkout or give it to Virginia when ordering by phone at tel. (541) 201-8878 PST.

©Copyright Ada Porat. For more information, visit This article may be freely distributed in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for it and this notice is attached.