Photo Credit: Zibik on Unsplash
Change can create a lot of emotional and mental turbulence.
Whatever you think is going on… isn’t.
Whoever you thought you were… may be up for review.
Wherever you think you’re going… you can’t get there without the rest of humanity.
The process of turbulent change does not happen in predictable steps; it lurches like wild, raw energy into the areas of our lives that most need to be challenged and healed. And yet, change can be a very good thing! It wishes to liberate us from the numbness of the known, setting us free from the old projections of our outdated conditioning.
As change sweeps through all levels of society, we’re offered valuable opportunities for personal growth: releasing outdated views, limiting habits and the habitual suppression of our true self. The winds of change wash away the old, bringing us opportunities to refine our values and to reinvent our lives in more optimal ways. This is a valuable time to recover and integrate aspects of ourselves that have been alienated, so we can become more whole. It is a valuable opportunity to heal dysfunctional divisions that we’d used to distance ourselves from the shadow aspects in others that we cannot accept within ourselves.
At our core, none of us are defined by our gender, body type, appearance, bank account, religious or political affiliations. Our true essence reaches far beyond these superficial divisions to the One Source from where we all originate, and to where our souls will again return. Our true essence always remains indivisible, unified and absolutely free.
Times of change offer us a valuable opportunity to purge the superficial divisions that demarcate the surface of our lives: me versus you, us versus them, mine versus yours. Any sense of belonging based on the exclusion of others is a false identity that cannot be sustained. Our evolution as souls and as a species requires us to let go of these superficial divisions.
And yet, letting go of our familiar conditioning is not easy. Questions will arise: How can I be friends with someone who believes differently? Can I remain friends with someone who insists on being a vegetarian? A carnivore? A liberal? A conservative? There are so many ways we judge and exclude others as not being good enough for our tribe. Thankfully, all of them are wrong, because they are based on an outdated paradigm of judgment and fragmentation.
Right now, this time of turbulent change is asking us to look beyond the gross differences separating us, and to celebrate the liberating power of higher interpersonal and collective soul dynamics.
As these dynamics emerge, things may often seem to be getting worse. The elements of darkness need to be seen with naked honesty for the destructive self-limitation they impose; only then can they be eliminated. Seeing the darkness out there is not enough; we need to move beyond the narrowness of our fears and projections to recognize the same shadow in ourselves, and to purify our own beliefs.
Judgment and separation rob us of opportunities for growth. Every time we stay stuck in the false comfort of judging others, we are blocking our own process of maturing. In truth, we are all members of homo sapiens and when we move beyond the illusion of separation, we realize that we are all aspects of the One Creator.
Purifying our own judgment is a precious gift; it allows us to see beyond superficial differences and to acknowledge the soul presence in all others. This is not the same as blinding ourselves to differences; we learn to look deeper and to acknowledge the common Source that unites us, instead of being blinded by superficial differences. Even when we look very different on the surface, we are all simply fellow travelers on the soul’s journey through life, and we are walking each other home.
People flow in and out of our lives all the time. Sometimes we feel the closeness of their presence, and at other times we travel in different directions, yet we’re all members of the soul collective on the planet right now, and we’re all evolving together. The Course in Miracles reminds us that we are all thoughts in the mind of God, and we never leave that mind.
What would life look like if we truly evolved our thoughts and beliefs? Or if we were to think with the mind of God to access thoughts that resonate with the intelligence of creation itself? Evolved souls among us who do this are aware of the perfect design of the cosmos, sometimes perceiving cycles that span thousands of years. They transcend the superficial limits of human perception to access the grand design of Creation evolving and experiencing itself.
The Creator Presence never excludes or divides, because separation is not in the nature of the One Source. The closer we move to that Source of Oneness, the more our own viewpoints, thoughts and lives will resonate with truth, not getting caught in the trap of duality.
The change and upheaval all around us invite us to shake off our limited conditioning and to return to our innate self. Inner liberation precedes outer freedom. As we liberate ourselves, we will evolve to more accurately reflect our soul potential. When we honor this sacred core in group settings, we won’t need to abandon ourselves to fit in or belong.
All of creation simply expresses Divine intelligence, funneled through the prisms of individual experience. As we liberate ourselves to think and create in ways that are not so stratified, we return to our true potential as co-creators. And the more we let go of old, rigid identities, the more we can step into our true identity as souls to embrace change and be transformed.
What would it look like for you to honor your truth more fully? Can you step away from the old attachments that defined you to make space for the unfoldment of your true potential?
May we all commit to the freedom of our souls in the midst of change, so we can live unconditioned lives of potential and actualization. These times of upheaval could be an unparalleled opportunity for our growth!